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您的位置: 網(wǎng)站首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 抗體 > Polyclonal Antibody > K106454PAnti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody
  • Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody
  • Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody
  • Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody
  • Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody

Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody

產(chǎn)品品牌: SOLARBIO/索萊寶 價(jià)格:
廠商性質(zhì): 生產(chǎn)廠家 產(chǎn)品時(shí)間: 2022-08-15
Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody
應(yīng)用 WB IHC
稀釋比例WB 1:2000-5000.IHC 1:50-200.
交叉反應(yīng) Human Mouse Rat


主要用途WB IHC應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生,環(huán)保,化工,生物產(chǎn)業(yè),農(nóng)業(yè)

Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody

英文名稱Anti-ERK1 Polyclonal Antibody
別名MAPK 3;p44-MAPK;p44-ERK1;PRKM3;MAPK3
應(yīng)用WB IHC
稀釋比例WB 1:2000-5000.IHC 1:50-200.
Gene ID5594/5595
保存Store at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.
儲(chǔ)存液Buffer: PBS with 0.03% Proclin300, 50% glycerol, pH7.3.
純化方法Affinity purification
免疫原A synthetic peptide of human ERK1
Public Immunogen RangeA synthetic peptide of human ERK1
Subcellular LocationsCytoplasm Nucleus
Swiss ProtP27361
克隆類型Polyclonal Antibody
背景資料Serine/threonine kinase which acts as an essential component of the MAP kinase signal transduction pathway. MAPK1/ERK2 and MAPK3/ERK1 are the 2 MAPKs which play an important role in the MAPK/ERK cascade. They participate also in a signaling cascade initiated by activated KIT and KITLG/SCF. Depending on the cellular context, the MAPK/ERK cascade mediates diverse biological functions such as cell growth, adhesion, survival and differentiation through the regulation of transcription, translation, cytoskeletal rearrangements. The MAPK/ERK cascade plays also a role in initiation and regulation of meiosis, mitosis, and postmitotic functions in differentiated cells by phosphorylating a number of transcription factors. About 160 substrates have already been discovered for ERKs. Many of these substrates are localized in the nucleus, and seem to participate in the regulation of transcription upon stimulation. However, other substrates are found in the cytosol as well as in other cellular organelles, and those are responsible for processes such as translation, mitosis and apoptosis. Moreover, the MAPK/ERK cascade is also involved in the regulation of the endosomal dynamics, including lysosome processing and endosome cycling through the perinuclear recycling compartment (PNRC); as well as in the fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus during mitosis. The substrates include transcription factors (such as ATF2, BCL6, ELK1, ERF, FOS, HSF4 or SPZ1), cytoskeletal elements (such as CANX, CTTN, GJA1, MAP2, MAPT, PXN, SORBS3 or STMN1), regulators of apoptosis (such as BAD, BTG2, CASP9, DAPK1, IER3, MCL1 or PPARG), regulators of translation (such as EIF4EBP1) and a variety of other signaling-related molecules (like ARHGEF2, FRS2 or GRB10). Protein kinases (such as RAF1, RPS6KA1/RSK1, RPS6KA3/RSK2, RPS6KA2/RSK3, RPS6KA6/RSK4, SYK, MKNK1/MNK1, MKNK2/MNK2, RPS6KA5/MSK1, RPS6KA4/MSK2, MAPKAPK3 or MAPKAPK5) and phosphatases (such as DUSP1, DUSP4, DUSP6 or DUSP16) are other substrates which enable the propagation the MAPK/ERK signal to additional cytosolic and nuclear targets, thereby extending the specificity of the cascade.


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