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  • Recombinant Human IL-7

Recombinant Human IL-7

產(chǎn)品品牌: SOLARBIO/索萊寶 價(jià)格:
廠商性質(zhì): 生產(chǎn)廠家 產(chǎn)品時(shí)間: 2024-08-01
Recombinant Human Interleukin-7 is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding<br>Asp26-His177 is expressed.


Known asInterleukin-7; IL-7; IL7
Derived fromE.coli
PurityGreater than 95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE.Less than 0.1 ng/?g (1 IEU/?g).
FormulationLyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM PB, 250mM NaCl, pH 7.2.
ShippingThe product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediay at the temperature listed below.
StorageLyophilized protein should be stored at < -20°C, though stable at room temperature for 3 weeks.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 4-7°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at < -20°C for 7 months
ReconstitutionAlways centrifuge tubes before opening. Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in 5X PBS.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-t cycles.
BackgroundHuman Interleukin 7 (IL-7) is a potent lymphoid cell growth factor stimulating the proliferation of lymphoid progenitors. IL7 can associate with the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) to form a hybrid cytokine that functions as a pre-pro-B cell growth-stimulating factor. Human IL7 cDNA encodes a 177 amino acid precursor protein containing a 25 amino acid signal peptide and a 152 amino acid mature protein. Human and mouse IL7 share 65% sequence identity in the mature region and both exhibit cross-species activity. IL-7 signals via IL-7 receptor (IL7R) activating multiple pathways including JaK/STAT and PI3K/AKT, which regulate lymphocyte survival, glucose uptake, proliferation, and differentiation. IL-7 is also associated with cytoplasmic IL2-R gamma for signal transduction.

Recombinant Human Interleukin-7 is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding
Asp26-His177 is expressed.


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