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您的位置: 網(wǎng)站首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 細胞相關產(chǎn)品 > 細胞因子 > P00025Recombinant Human IL-15細胞因子
  • Recombinant Human IL-15細胞因子

Recombinant Human IL-15細胞因子

產(chǎn)品品牌: SOLARBIO/索萊寶 價格:
廠商性質: 生產(chǎn)廠家 產(chǎn)品時間: 2024-08-02
Recombinant Human Interleukin-15(Recombinant Human IL-15細胞因子) is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding<br>Asn49-Ser162 is expressed.



Recombinant Human IL-15細胞因子 

Known asInterleukin-15; IL-15; IL15
Derived fromE.coli
PurityMeasured by the dose dependent stimulation of mouse CTLL-2 cell proliferation.ED50 is less than 0.5 ng/ml. Specific Activity of 2.0 x 10^6 IU/mg.Greater than 95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE.
FormulationLyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM PB, 150mM NaCl, pH 7.0.
ShippingThe product is shipped at ambient temperature.Upon receipt, store it immediay at the temperature listed below.
StorageLyophilized protein should be stored at < -20°C, though stable at room temperature for 3 weeks.Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 4-7°C for 2-7 days.Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at < -20°C for 9 months
ReconstitutionAlways centrifuge tubes before opening. Do not mix by vortex or pipetting.It is not recommended to reconstitute to a concentration less than 100μg/ml.Dissolve the lyophilized protein in 7X PBS.Please aliquot the reconstituted solution to minimize freeze-t cycles.
EndotoxinLess than 0.1 ng/ug (1 IEU/ug).
BackgroundHuman Interleukin 15 (IL-15) is a cytokine that regulates T cell and natural killer cell activation and proliferation. IL-15 binds to the alpha subunit of the IL15 receptor (IL-15RA) with high affinity. IL-15 also binds to the beta and gamma chains of the IL-2 receptor, but not the alpha subunit of the IL2 receptor. IL-15 is structurally and functionally related to IL-2. Both cytokines share some subunits of receptors, allowing them to compete for and negatively regulate each other's activity. The number of CD8+ memory T cells is controlled by a balance between IL-15 and IL-2. Despite their many overlapping functional properties, IL-2 and IL-15 are, in fact, quite distinct players in the immune system. IL-15 is constitutively expressed by a wide variety of cell types and tissues, including monocytes, macrophages and DCs. Mature Human IL-15 shares 70% amino acid sequence identity with Mouse and Rat IL-15.

Recombinant Human Interleukin-15 is produced by our E.coli expression system and the target gene encoding Asn49-Ser162 is expressed.


Recombinant Human IL-15細胞因子訂購說明:





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